Delphine Felder-Flesch : CNRS-HDR Research Director (46 years old) currently on secondment by the CNRS to chair the Superbranche company, Delphine was recruited 15 years ago at the CNRS after a doctorate in supramolecular organic chemistry from the University of Strasbourg on carbon nanomaterials (ADRERUS thesis prize 2001, best organic chemistry thesis from UNISTRA) followed by a post-doctorate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (EHT-Z) in the team of Pr. Dr. F. Diederich.

Since 2011, Delphine has been awarded the CNRS Scientific Excellence Award for her contribution in the field of biodendritic materials. She is the author of 90 scientific publications, 4 book chapters, publisher of a book on nanomedicine dendrimers (Panstanford Editions, 2016), co-inventor of 4 patents on radiopharmaceutical dendritic probes with partners from Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, Centre de Médecine Nucléaire.

Delphine has given 73 international conferences, including 24 invited, participated in numerous multidisciplinary research projects at the chemistry of materials-biology interface (H2020, ANR) and coordinated (2016-2019) a European INTERREG Upper Rhine « NANOTRANSMED » project, composed of 15 French, Swiss and German partners, with a budget of 4.5 million euros for innovations in nanomedicine: from diagnosis to implants.

Delphine has been training in corporate strategy since 2016 (VALORITECH support) and has completed some modules at the Life Science Leadership School LS Lead, Paris.

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