8 allé Gaspard Monge
67000 Strasbour
03 68 85 52 32
Legal Information
Company Name: SuperBranche
Superbranche SAS with a capital of 56 880 euros / IPCMS Bâtiment74 – 23 rue du loess 67034 Strasbourg cedex 2
Contact Manager: Delphine Felder-Flesch
Tel: 03 88 01 72 98 / 06 85 53 25 32
Contact Publication Director \ Webdesign : Emmanuel Bertomeu, 26 rue du général Leclerc 67120 Molsheim \ Tél 06 29 93 44 44 62 \ Email : \ Website :
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Data processing and liberties
In accordance with the law n°78-17 « Informatique et Libertés » of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. This right can be exercised by making a request by e-mail or by post to the following address: SuperBranche, IPCMS Bâtiment 69 23, rue du loess BP 43, 67034 Strasbourg cedex 2 FRANCE
Under no circumstances will the data collected on the website be transferred or sold to third parties. No email address will be transmitted to third parties, including our partners, without the written consent of the parties concerned. The data collected through the contact form are intended for the exclusive use of SuperBranche for the purpose of providing certain services offered by the site. The user provides this information in full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he/she enters it himself/herself.
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The user can configure his computer in the following way, to refuse the installation of cookies:
– For Mozilla firefox:
Choose the « tool » menu then « Options ».
Click on the « privacy » icon
Locate the « cookie » menu and select the options that suit you
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select the « Tools » menu, then « Internet Options ».
click on the « Confidentiality » tab (or « Confidentiality »)
select the desired level using the cursor.
Intellectual Property
The contents of the website are subject to current copyright legislation and are the exclusive property of Delphine Felder-Flesch.
The company holds the user rights to all elements accessible on the site, including texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, videos. Any reproduction and redistribution of all or part of this content is subject to prior authorization by Delphine Felder-Flesch. Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.